I produce context-driven design, research and workshop formats facilitating cross-cultural communication and transdisciplinary exchange.



Imad is a Lebanese designer, lecturer, and researcher based in Berlin. He specialized in identity representation and bilingual visual communication and produced visual and theoretical works around self-Orientalism in Arab* design, counter-mapping, and archiving. Imad also collaborated with several journalistic platforms on exploring common grounds between design and media outlets across Europe.


With several years of experience as creative director of Mojo Ink, operating between Abu Dhabi and Beirut, Imad moved to the Netherlands, where he received a Master’s degree in Design, then moved to Berlin, where he co-founded various projects centering Arab-migrant experiences. Imad is currently teaching at several academic institutions and undertaking ethnographic research on the negotiations of Arab-Muslim identifications in Sonnenallee-Berlin, as part of his PhD project at the Institute for European Ethnology at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Teaching, Talks and Lectures


  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Multimodal Ethnography with Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal / (MA) Berlin, SoSe 2023
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Mapping Othering: Intersections of Ethnography and Design with Lena Møller Christensen / (BA) Berlin, WiSe 2022-2023
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Multimodal Ethnography with Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal / (MA) Berlin, SoSe 2022
  • University of the Arts Bremen (Hochschule für Künste Bremen) - HfK Bremen - The Design Turn: Decolonial Perspectives on Representation & Field Research (Theory) / MA+BA - Bremen, SoSe 2021
  • University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz (Kunstuniversität Linz) - UfG Linz - The Design Turn: Mapping, Othering and Affective Spaces / MA+BA - Linz (Austria), SoSe 2021
  • Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin) - UdK Berlin - Redesigning The Field: Research Methodologies for Critical Practices / BA - Berlin, WiSe 2020
  • Design Akademie Berlin: Qualitative Design Research / MA Social Design - Berlin, WiSe 2020
  • University of the Arts Bremen (Hochschule für Künste Bremen) - HfK Bremen - Disobeying Practices, Practicing Disobedience with Lisa Baumgarten / MA+BA - Bremen, WiSe 2020
  • The American University of Science and Technology - AUST - Graphic Design Department - Teaching Assistant - Beirut, 2011 - 2013

Talks and Lectures:

  • Multimodal Exits, Ambivalent Encounters: Design(ers) and Anthropology - Designwissenschaftliches Kolloquium - Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle - Halle(Saale), 2023 (Keynote)

  • On Design(ers), Anthropology and Multimodal Ambivalences - with Yoonha Kim - Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity - Humboldt University of Berlin - Berlin, 2022 (Talk)

  • Delinking and New Futurities in the Context of Transformative Archives - Transformative Archives Symposium - the Federal Agency for Civic Education in cooperation with the GRASSI Museum for Ethnology - Leipzig, 2022 (Panel)

  • On The (Im)possibilities of Critical Design Practices - BELLE ROOM Lecture Series - Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz - Berlin, 2022 (Talk)

  • On Toxic Relationships: Design and Anthropology - Futuress.org - Online, 2022 (Keynote)
  • When Shadowplays Shadow Place: Embodied Affects and Migrant Agencies in Sonnenallee, Berlin - with Lena Møller Christensen - Vienna Anthropology Days 2022 Conference (VANDA) - University of Vienna - Vienna, 2022 (Panel)
  • When Shadowplays Shadow Place: Embodied Negotiations of Memories in Sonnenallee - Unsettling Archives International Conference - Humboldt University of Berlin and Princeton University - Berlin, 2022 (Panel)
  • Mondiale Exchange: On Having Space - Berlin Mondiale - Berlin, 2022 (Panel Discussion)
  • Mapping the Everyday: Visualizing Environmental (In)Justices in Berlin-Wedding with Hatem el Salem - Niyabinghi Lab - Berlin, 2022 (Presentation and Workshop)
  • (Im)Possible Exits and Silenced Affects: Design Futures and Disciplinary Mobilities - Attending [to] Futures Design Conference - Köln International School of Design of TH Köln - Cologne, 2021 (Keynote)
  • Counter Mapping and Identity Representation - Lebanese American University (LAU) - School of Architecture and Design - Online, 2021 (Lecture)
  • Queer Elsewheres with Omar Kasmani and Abdullah Qureshi - Peepal & Banyan Exhibition - Berlin, 2021 (Panel Discussion)
  • How Queer is 'Queer Cinema’ from the Middle East? - Soura Film Festival 2021 - Oyoun - Berlin, 2021 (Panel Discussion: Moderation)
  • (Self)Orientalism - Marhala Gadida - Ostpol - Dresden, 2021 (Presentation and discussion)
  • The Very Last (Design) Conference: Gendering Intersections Towards an Actionable Criticality - Creative Bodies Creative Minds Conference - University of Graz - Online, 2021 (keynote and paper with Lisa Baumgarten)
  • The Design Exit: Don't Look Behind - UNUNUNIMIMIMDEDEDESIGN - Symposium and Publication by Onomatopee - Online, 2021 (Talk and Essay)
  • Self-Orientalism and Decolonizing Design - ORIENTierungsplan - Collective Practices - Berlin, 2020 (Talk/Podcast)
  • Open Questions to Design Education: A Field in Turn and Turmoil - Hebstsessions 2020 - Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule - Halle (Saale), 2020 (Lecture)
  • Orientalism and Identity: Design as a Tool to Represent, Repress and Reclaim - Navarra.is - The Afterschool Special Series - Berlin, 2020 (Talk)
  • Decolonization, representation and the art school restrictions - Hurra Hurra Design Podcast - 2020 (Talk/Podcast)
  • Representation and Counter-Mapping: Colonial/Decolonial Design Contributions - HfK Bremen, 2020 (Lecture)
  • Exclusion and Coloniality of Power in EU and Non-EU Design Education Systems - Teaching Design Conversations - Berlin, 2020 (Talk)
  • Navigating Orientalism in Contemporary Society - QAB x Vorspiel - Berlin, 2020 (Panel)
  • Mapping Identity: Reversing Cultural Representation - 16th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Design Theory and Research DGTF - Kassel, 2019 (Presentation)
  • Orientalist Representations and Subjective Mapping - General Academic Studies - Master Institute of Visual Cultures - AKV|St.Joost - 's-Hertogenbosch, 2017 (Lecture)
  • Citizen-Designer MA Symposium - Co-Curator and Panel Moderator - Breda, 2017 (Symposium)
  • Using Usership - Breda/'s-Hertogenbosch, 2017 (essay)
  • My Stories, My Terms - WhatDesignCanDo - Amsterdam, 2016 (article)
  • My Stories My Terms - RSA ENGAGE: Thinking Through Design - London, 2016 (talk)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Punt magazine- Breda, 2016 (interview)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Oplatz website - Berlin, 2016 (article)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Kubinaut website - Berlin, 2016 (interview)
  • My Stories, My Terms - INTERVENTIONEN - Berlin, 2016 (talk)
  • Meet Madina - Beirut NTSC blog - Beirut, 2014 (article)
  • Meet Madina - Al Modon online newspaper - Beirut, 2013 (interview)



Imad Gebrael


Erfurter Str. 17
10825 Berlin


Phone: +4917643678506
email: imadgebrayel@gmail.com


Sales tax ID:
Sales tax identification number according to §27a sales tax law:


Responsible for the content (according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV):
Erfurter Str. 17
+49 176 43678506


Notice according to online dispute settlement regulation

Nach geltendem Recht sind wir verpflichtet, Verbraucher auf die Existenz der Europäischen Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform hinzuweisen, die für die Beilegung von Streitigkeiten genutzt werden kann, ohne dass ein Gericht eingeschaltet werden muss. Für die Einrichtung der Plattform ist die Europäische Kommission zuständig. Die Europäische Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform ist hier zu finden: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. Meine E-Mail lautet: imadgebrayel@gmail.com


Wir weisen aber darauf hin, dass wir nicht bereit sind, uns am Streitbeilegungsverfahren im Rahmen der Europäischen Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform zu beteiligen. Nutzen Sie zur Kontaktaufnahme bitte unsere obige E-Mail und Telefonnummer.

Hinweis gemäß Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (VSBG)

Wir sind nicht bereit und verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.


Disclaimer – rechtliche Hinweise



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§ 4 Special Terms of Use
Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the aforementioned paragraphs, this is expressly pointed out at the appropriate place. In this case, the special terms of use apply in each individual case.

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2020 - Berlin (DE) - Branding, Illustration

A modular brand inspired by Berlin's 12 districts for Berlin Mondiale, an initiative that connects refugees with Berlin's art and cultural institutions, fostering creative collaborations and cultural exchange.

2024 - Berlin (DE) - Branding, Illustration

ADIRA is a queer Arabic-pop party series that challenges orientalist stereotypes and celebrates the diversity of queer Arab* identities.

2022 - Berlin (DE) -  Curation, Branding

Arabs* in F(r)iction is a hybrid platform offering workshops and featuring the Sonnenallee Podcast. It explored frictions and fictions of Arab* memories and representations in Berlin.

2023 - Berlin (DE) - Editorial, Illustration

A nonlinear collection of posters and event branding visuals.

2022 - Berlin (DE) - Branding, Illustration

A modular brand for Nyabinghi Lab gUG a Berlin-based collective realizing projects at the intersections of art, culture, law, education, mental health, and activism.

2019 - Berlin (DE) - Calendar Design, Typography

A calendar project combining bi-scriptual typography covering a year of work on social and artistic projects in Berlin.

2019 - Abu Dhabi (UAE) - Exhibition, Experiential, Installation

Conceptual spatial projects courtesy of Mojo Ink, a multidisciplinary creative agency based between Abu Dhabi and Beirut.

2018 - Amsterdam (NL) - Calendar Design

Anti-Orientalist compositions melting together elements of a fetishized/vilified visual repertoire.

2019 - Tallinn (ET) - Branding, Illustration

A brand highlighting different forms of hybridity and connections for an investigative journalism platform covering underreported stories in Asia.

2019 - Berlin (DE) - Branding

A playful brand inspired by the 80s-00s popular culture of Egypt and Lebanon.

2017 - Breda (NL) - Information Design, Mapping

3 EU cities are mapped according to the landmarks of their respective colonies, creating decolonial systems of identification.

2018 - Berlin (DE) - Editorial

The published result of a design and journalism workshop with a team of young professionals in Berlin.

2015 - Breda (NL) - Information Design

A comparative between political agenda and news coverage. Research-led visualizations of trends resulting from political news analysis in the subsequent terrorism attacks of November 2015. This project was then transformed into a news-visualization workshop format.

2018 - Abu Dhabi (UAE) - Branding

A creative agency leading by culturally relevant design and purposeful communication.

2019 - Berlin (DE) - Illustration

A compilation of illustration works from different commercial and personal projects.

2018 - Dubai (UAE) - Editorial

FIBRE, a brand and a publication designed to reflect an experimental take on photography and creative writing, dedicated to the culture of music worldwide.

2017 - Dubai (UAE) - Branding

A brand abstracting the morphing Emirati landscape for an international experimental music and visual arts festival.

2014 - Beirut (LB) - Illustration

Illustrated stories representing subjective interpretations of social and political diatribe across the Arab region.

2018 - Berlin (DE) - Editorial

A nonlinear collection of posters and event branding visuals.

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2023 - Excerpt - #Arabic Typography, #Design, #Eurocentricism, #Politics

A pledge for politicizing Arabic type design, overturning exclusionary notions of ‘quality,’ and challenging classist gatekeeping to the profession.

2022 - Excerpt - #Anthropology, #Design, #Design Education, #Ethnography, #Migration

The Design Exit is a project that negotiates repositioning design outside of the art-school system (within a European-context), and discusses the overdue critical turn in design education as a form of alter-reality.

2019 - Abstract - #Arab, #Branding, #Colonialism, #Identity, #Mediation, #Memory, #Stigma, #Underdevelopment

Self-Orientalism projects ‘underdevelopment’ as a unique selling proposition in the Arab region – specifically in creative industries. How to rethink the colonial angle and develop a counter-brand?

2019 - Abstract - #Artivism, #Digital, #Extrimism, #Identity, #Islam, #Mediation, #Memory, #Popular Culture, #Propaganda, #Takfir

How to reassess the split between digital productions as forms of liberal self-expression and religious extremism as led by online-Takfiris? And who owns the digital vernacular?

2019 - Abstract - #Digitization, #Education, #Exile, #Identity, #Islam, #Memory, #Scholarship

How did Arab-Muslim encounters with Orientalism shape the colonised mind? And how to mediate Islam through the lens of academic decolonization?

2019 - Abstract - #Al-Andalus, #Branding, #Criticality, #Digital, #Dissemination, #Identity, #Islam, #Mediation, #Memory, #Politics, #Propaganda, #Representation

How can we extract meaning from ‘religion-as-brand’ to inform a multidisciplinary research on Islam, identity and mediation in the digital age?

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Identity Representation - 1 Days - 7 Participants

A workshop presenting a series of challenges around identity representation and cultural appropriation.

Brand Positioning - 2 Days - 12 Participants

A brand positioning workshop with the MAS staff, part of their branding and communication collaboration with Mojo Ink.

Consultancy - 2 Days - 20 Participants

A consultancy platform supporting international companies and startups in establishing, improving and maintaining channels of communication with the Arab* region.

Subjective Archiving - 2 Days - 8 Participants

A 2-day workshop on subjective archiving using the content of the 'WORM Pirate Bay' multimedia archives at WORM-Rotterdam, providing a space for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Subjective Archiving - 2 Days - 10 Participants

A workshop series inviting visual makers to visualize key moments in our recent history using comparative techniques. The multiple outcomes form a ‘subjective archive’ questioning the media bias.

Creative Campus - 10 Days - 15 Participants

For two weeks 26 young people from Germany and abroad made the Eiermannbau in Apolda their home. Their task was to rethink, repurpose and reenergize the building.

Media and Communication  - 1 Days - 10 Participants

A workshop supporting migrant communities with tools for writing, design and mediation to reclaim their stories from the media bias.



I produce context-driven design, research and workshop formats facilitating cross-cultural communication and transdisciplinary exchange.



Imad is a Lebanese designer, lecturer, and researcher based in Berlin. He specialized in identity representation and bilingual visual communication and produced visual and theoretical works around self-Orientalism in Arab* design, counter-mapping, and archiving. Imad also collaborated with several journalistic platforms on exploring common grounds between design and media outlets across Europe.


With several years of experience as creative director of Mojo Ink, operating between Abu Dhabi and Beirut, Imad moved to the Netherlands, where he received a Master’s degree in Design, then moved to Berlin, where he co-founded various projects centering Arab-migrant experiences. Imad is currently teaching at several academic institutions and undertaking ethnographic research on the negotiations of Arab-Muslim identifications in Sonnenallee-Berlin, as part of his PhD project at the Institute for European Ethnology at the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Talks and Lectures


  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Multimodal Ethnography with Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal / (MA) Berlin, SoSe 2023
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Mapping Othering: Intersections of Ethnography and Design with Lena Møller Christensen / (BA) Berlin, WiSe 2022-2023
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) - Department of European Ethnology - Multimodal Ethnography with Prof. Dr. Silvy Chakkalakal / (MA) Berlin, SoSe 2022
  • University of the Arts Bremen (Hochschule für Künste Bremen) - HfK Bremen - The Design Turn: Decolonial Perspectives on Representation & Field Research (Theory) / MA+BA - Bremen, SoSe 2021
  • University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz (Kunstuniversität Linz) - UfG Linz - The Design Turn: Mapping, Othering and Affective Spaces / MA+BA - Linz (Austria), SoSe 2021
  • Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin) - UdK Berlin - Redesigning The Field: Research Methodologies for Critical Practices / BA - Berlin, WiSe 2020
  • Design Akademie Berlin: Qualitative Design Research / MA Social Design - Berlin, WiSe 2020
  • University of the Arts Bremen (Hochschule für Künste Bremen) - HfK Bremen - Disobeying Practices, Practicing Disobedience with Lisa Baumgarten / MA+BA - Bremen, WiSe 2020
  • The American University of Science and Technology - AUST - Graphic Design Department - Teaching Assistant - Beirut, 2011 - 2013

Talks and Lectures:

  • Multimodal Exits, Ambivalent Encounters: Design(ers) and Anthropology - Designwissenschaftliches Kolloquium - Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle - Halle(Saale), 2023 (Keynote)

  • On Design(ers), Anthropology and Multimodal Ambivalences - with Yoonha Kim - Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity - Humboldt University of Berlin - Berlin, 2022 (Talk)

  • Delinking and New Futurities in the Context of Transformative Archives - Transformative Archives Symposium - the Federal Agency for Civic Education in cooperation with the GRASSI Museum for Ethnology - Leipzig, 2022 (Panel)

  • On The (Im)possibilities of Critical Design Practices - BELLE ROOM Lecture Series - Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz - Berlin, 2022 (Talk)

  • On Toxic Relationships: Design and Anthropology - Futuress.org - Online, 2022 (Keynote)
  • When Shadowplays Shadow Place: Embodied Affects and Migrant Agencies in Sonnenallee, Berlin - with Lena Møller Christensen - Vienna Anthropology Days 2022 Conference (VANDA) - University of Vienna - Vienna, 2022 (Panel)
  • When Shadowplays Shadow Place: Embodied Negotiations of Memories in Sonnenallee - Unsettling Archives International Conference - Humboldt University of Berlin and Princeton University - Berlin, 2022 (Panel)
  • Mondiale Exchange: On Having Space - Berlin Mondiale - Berlin, 2022 (Panel Discussion)
  • Mapping the Everyday: Visualizing Environmental (In)Justices in Berlin-Wedding with Hatem el Salem - Niyabinghi Lab - Berlin, 2022 (Presentation and Workshop)
  • (Im)Possible Exits and Silenced Affects: Design Futures and Disciplinary Mobilities - Attending [to] Futures Design Conference - Köln International School of Design of TH Köln - Cologne, 2021 (Keynote)
  • Counter Mapping and Identity Representation - Lebanese American University (LAU) - School of Architecture and Design - Online, 2021 (Lecture)
  • Queer Elsewheres with Omar Kasmani and Abdullah Qureshi - Peepal & Banyan Exhibition - Berlin, 2021 (Panel Discussion)
  • How Queer is 'Queer Cinema’ from the Middle East? - Soura Film Festival 2021 - Oyoun - Berlin, 2021 (Panel Discussion: Moderation)
  • (Self)Orientalism - Marhala Gadida - Ostpol - Dresden, 2021 (Presentation and discussion)
  • The Very Last (Design) Conference: Gendering Intersections Towards an Actionable Criticality - Creative Bodies Creative Minds Conference - University of Graz - Online, 2021 (keynote and paper with Lisa Baumgarten)
  • The Design Exit: Don't Look Behind - UNUNUNIMIMIMDEDEDESIGN - Symposium and Publication by Onomatopee - Online, 2021 (Talk and Essay)
  • Self-Orientalism and Decolonizing Design - ORIENTierungsplan - Collective Practices - Berlin, 2020 (Talk/Podcast)
  • Open Questions to Design Education: A Field in Turn and Turmoil - Hebstsessions 2020 - Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule - Halle (Saale), 2020 (Lecture)
  • Orientalism and Identity: Design as a Tool to Represent, Repress and Reclaim - Navarra.is - The Afterschool Special Series - Berlin, 2020 (Talk)
  • Decolonization, representation and the art school restrictions - Hurra Hurra Design Podcast - 2020 (Talk/Podcast)
  • Representation and Counter-Mapping: Colonial/Decolonial Design Contributions - HfK Bremen, 2020 (Lecture)
  • Exclusion and Coloniality of Power in EU and Non-EU Design Education Systems - Teaching Design Conversations - Berlin, 2020 (Talk)
  • Navigating Orientalism in Contemporary Society - QAB x Vorspiel - Berlin, 2020 (Panel)
  • Mapping Identity: Reversing Cultural Representation - 16th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Design Theory and Research DGTF - Kassel, 2019 (Presentation)
  • Orientalist Representations and Subjective Mapping - General Academic Studies - Master Institute of Visual Cultures - AKV|St.Joost - 's-Hertogenbosch, 2017 (Lecture)
  • Citizen-Designer MA Symposium - Co-Curator and Panel Moderator - Breda, 2017 (Symposium)
  • Using Usership - Breda/'s-Hertogenbosch, 2017 (essay)
  • My Stories, My Terms - WhatDesignCanDo - Amsterdam, 2016 (article)
  • My Stories My Terms - RSA ENGAGE: Thinking Through Design - London, 2016 (talk)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Punt magazine- Breda, 2016 (interview)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Oplatz website - Berlin, 2016 (article)
  • My Stories, My Terms - Kubinaut website - Berlin, 2016 (interview)
  • My Stories, My Terms - INTERVENTIONEN - Berlin, 2016 (talk)
  • Meet Madina - Beirut NTSC blog - Beirut, 2014 (article)
  • Meet Madina - Al Modon online newspaper - Beirut, 2013 (interview)



Imad Gebrael


Erfurter Str. 17
10825 Berlin


Phone: +4917643678506
email: imadgebrayel@gmail.com


Sales tax ID:
Sales tax identification number according to §27a sales tax law:


Responsible for the content (according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV):
Erfurter Str. 17
+49 176 43678506


Notice according to online dispute settlement regulation

Nach geltendem Recht sind wir verpflichtet, Verbraucher auf die Existenz der Europäischen Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform hinzuweisen, die für die Beilegung von Streitigkeiten genutzt werden kann, ohne dass ein Gericht eingeschaltet werden muss. Für die Einrichtung der Plattform ist die Europäische Kommission zuständig. Die Europäische Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform ist hier zu finden: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. Meine E-Mail lautet: imadgebrayel@gmail.com


Wir weisen aber darauf hin, dass wir nicht bereit sind, uns am Streitbeilegungsverfahren im Rahmen der Europäischen Online-Streitbeilegungs-Plattform zu beteiligen. Nutzen Sie zur Kontaktaufnahme bitte unsere obige E-Mail und Telefonnummer.

Hinweis gemäß Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (VSBG)

Wir sind nicht bereit und verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.


Disclaimer – rechtliche Hinweise



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Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the aforementioned paragraphs, this is expressly pointed out at the appropriate place. In this case, the special terms of use apply in each individual case.